Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Me and Javiane are not going out, we haven't been for a LONG time, hell right now we aren't even friends. Actually I really have no friends left I am fighting with them all. Even my best friend Brad. Today I confessed to having sex with a guy to my foster mom. So basically i feel like shit and am waiting to grow balls to kill myself. So that is your short and sweet update.


Katie Greer said...

Just take it one day at a time, girl. It gets better, I promise. We all have those times in our lives--especially when we're in our teens!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, it will get better--It hurts now, but you can learn from it and grow stronger. Your fmom loves you and you have many of her net friends praying for you.

Tudu said...

Things always seem so big when you are in the middle of it, give it a few days and it will seem a tiny bit smaller, possibly easier to deal with. Confessing your turmoil will help a lot, most kids can't tell their parents and go at this alone. You are already proving to be much wiser than most your age and if you can just force yourself to take advice from someone you know has your best interest at heart (FM) than you will be light years ahead of the rest of us. We all look back and wish we would've listened.

Don't beat yourself up over a few mistakes and arguements, there are many more to come.

laura jean 2 said...

Oh, the drama that is being a 16-year old girl. I remember those days all too well. And, believe me, they can be some of the most stressful days of your life. But, you take it one day at a time and soon problems that seem insurmountable are in your rearview mirror.

Anonymous said...


things always look darkest before the dawn.

in time you will realize just how cool it is that you COULD/DID tell your foster mom the truth.

i'll keep you in my thoughts, but always remember, lots of us are here, rooting for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh BBP it will get better I promise. I hated being a teenager. I did all the wrong things and regretted everything. I made bad choices ALL the TIME. I hated school, I didn't care and I partied and luckily.....

However, I survived. Just hang in there and it will get better. Around 19 a light came on and I was able to fix a few mistakes I made.

Just don't make ones you can't fix like getting pregnant at 16.

p.s. Don't throw up after eating. It ruins your teeth and gives you bad breathe. if you feel guilty after eating junk walk up and down a flight of stairs or something.

jenn said...

It's cool that you have a foster mom you can say these things to. Don't be too hard on yourself. We all make choices at 16 that we later regret or are embarrassed to admit. Later in life, this will barely be a blip on your radar. You're a smart, resourceful girl. You will get through this!

Anonymous said...

Listen to the rest of the smart women here. It does get better. And there are people who care about you.

Kendra said...

Try to step back and take a deep breath. It gets better. Mistakes are much easier to take when you learn from them and allow them to shape you into a better person.

Best to you.

Anonymous said...

It takes a strong person to tell an adult something like that. You're stronger than a lot of people, including myself when I was your age. Things will get better, even though I know things totally suck right now. Take care of yourself and God bless!

Lisa said...

Hey there, I am an older and *maybe* wiser reader here -- just remember, we all make mistakes sometimes, all we can do is learn from them. Don't feel bad about what you already did -- instead think about how you can improve your life and make good choices in the future.

When I was your age, I lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere -- I couldn't invite friends over and I didn't have a car so I couldn't go anywhere and I had no money to buy new clothes or CDs or whatever -- so I spent a LOT of time reading books from the library. It really helped to take me out of my (boring) existence. Now, I'm almost 30 and I live in Los Angeles and work for a TV show -- so I promise you, it does get better, even if it doesn't seem like it will now!

Anonymous said...

Hey there, don't beat yourself up -- like everyone else has said, mistakes get made by everyone at one point or another. The thing about mistakes is you can't go back in time and erase them, all you can really do is go forward and try to learn from them. We all do things at some point that maybe we wish we hadn't or that we wish we'd done differently. I'm 28 and ostensibly an intelligent woman and I STILL make decisions (sometimes really bad ones) that I wish I hadn't.

You're lucky that you have a foster mom you feel comfortable turning to. I'm sorry you feel crappy after having sex with that boy, but you'll get through it. I've slept with people I later wished I hadn't (or at times when I shouldn't have) and it feels bad for awhile, but that feeling does fade and with luck you'll be left feeling wiser and better prepared to deal with the situation the next time it comes up.

Just promise yourself that no matter what, when you do have sex next, you will use protection. Condoms every time. And if you're going to be sexually active -- even if it isn't regularly -- you need to go for STI screenings and take care of your health. Because it's important, as I'm sure you know.

Deb Cohler said...

I don't have any words of wisdom to offer, but just to say I am sorry things are tough right now.
You are a funny, great person and being a teenager is rough.
It won't last forever. Take care

Angel The Alien said...

Things suck now, and I know RIGHT NOW is all that matters RIGHT NOW, but you're going to get through it! If nothing else, just hold your breath and wait it out. You REALLY REALLY REALLY will be looking back on this one day, talking to your TRUE friends about your crazy experiences in high school, and maybe even talking to your own daughter about your experiences so she can learn from them too! This is just one rough spot in your whole, long, wonderful life that I'm certain is ahead of you!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you said something to your foster mom; that takes strength. I'm glad that she's the kind of person you can talk to. The fact that she's looking upon this as a mistake and not the end of the world speaks to how strong she is too. Someone you can trust.

I agree with the person who recommended reading whatever you can get your hands on. Lost in a book is a good place to be when you are a teenager. And it will help you figure out what kind of life you want as an adult and work toward that.

~*~Hallie~*~ said...

It seems to help me when I am mad at the world and frustrated to lock myself in a car and scream as loud as I possibly can. It gets a lot of the anger and frustration out of me, and no one is "yelled at" in the process. Sometimes you just gotta let it out. I hope you feel better soon.

Unknown said...

Hey babe, as the others said, take it a day at a time. For awesome that you confided in Baggage. Thats a girl. Its hard, and while we ALL make bad choices/decisions, dont ever let one rule your life. You live, you learn, and you grow. And girl you will grow. You already have beautifully. Love you lots.

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry you're going through such a hard time...

bevsclark said...
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bevsclark said...

My advice to you would be to find something that you are interested in and focus on that. I have always loved to read and would spend hours reading when I was your age. I am not trying to shove religion down your throat, but local churches have tons of fun and free activities for teens. Don’t not try something because you prejudge it. It will never hurt to try most things once. If you like singing, join the choir. There are tons of social clubs at school. Don’t worry about relationships. They will happen in time. Focus on you. Learn to love you and find something that you love to do.