Sunday, September 30, 2007

My conversation about dating an older guy wit Geo

The other night when Geo picked us up from homecoming this was the conversation we had about me dating Duke.......
Me: I was suppose to ask you about how you would feel about me dating an older guy?
Geo: Uh i would call the cops on him.
Me: are you seriod you would?
Geo: Yeah atleast twice a day.
Me: thats a little extreme, what if it was just a long distance relationship and all we did was talk on the internet?
Geo: Thats fine but you can't meet until your 25!

Thats was our lovely conversation. Don't you just love the over controlling way parents are? lol. Still i beleive calling the cops twice a day and waiting until i am 25 is alittle extreme.


Anonymous said...

Been there, done that with the older guys when I was your age. It never works out as great as you think it should. Take it slow, and keep chatting.

Angel The Alien said...

Hmm, calling the cops twice a day? Geo must have a lot of spare time on his hands! The "not meeting till you're 25" thing IS extreme... but I've known kids whose parents swore they wouldn't even be allowed to go on dates until they were 40!