Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My day

Hey! I really haven't had much interesting stuff going on, but i guess i will tell you what has been up.......Well my controlling X-boyfriend hasn't been at school for the last 4 days i heard from someone that he was arrested for drugs, but i have no idea if that true. Today C.S. my guy friend wasn't there today. Um.... I talked to Duke (my best friends brother) allot now days, he is a really cool person not one of your typical dumb guys this one actually has a head on his shoulders lol. He is really cool and fun to talk to and since no one else is ever on i talk to him! But nothing really has been going on my house is a crazy place like my older foster sister is having some serious trouble boy issues. And is getting on my nerves! But yeah that as about all. Boring again i know!


Angel The Alien said...

HOw strange that the Controlling One has disappeared! Duke sounds like a MUCh nicer guy! Big sisters can be a pain, whether they are foster sisters or not... Come to think of it, so can LITTLE sisters and brothers! But its still nice to have them around the rest of the time!

Anonymous said...


So who won the software naming competition?

= )