Saturday, September 22, 2007

My highschool Love Triangle

OK I had a boyfriend not to long ago "D" Well i broke up with him actually not to long ago after we dated probably about 5 days after, Well he told me that he still likes me and crap and sometimes he flirts and sometimes he is an asshole (like most men) but he has been asking me lately if "He owns me?". I know that sounds horrible because it is only because he is stupid. So now he thinks he owns me and can tell me what to do and who to talk to what to do and where to do it,it's kinda scary. Well the other day one of is friends was on his Yahoo Messenger and i thought it was him and started talking to the person.. I some to find out it was a guy that i have5Th hour with "K.J." and i know this guy because i have talked to him anyways, he told me that he liked me and that's why he always picked on my during class and all this other stuff. Well the triangle part comes in when K.J. is dating one of my very good friends FallSpring and they have been dating for a while so the whole story is that...... Me and D are broke up and but he still likes me and thinks he controls me and his best friend likes me who is dating my best friend!!!!! Confusing huh?
Well the other day when i was talking to KJ i gave him my phone # and D was sopissed!!! He flipped out on me!! He is a total control freak . All i know is i need some advice eon this one or some help in general.


Angel The Alien said...

Hmm, I don't have a whole lot of advice about dating in general... but I know quite a lot about crazy guys, so just be very careful of that first guy who is very controlling. Seriously, I have known a lot of guys like that, and it seems like as time goes on, they get worse instead of better... even get violent with girls. It can be really scary. If you're going to be around him at all, even just as friends,just stick to your boundaries and remember that he DOESN'T own you and NOBODY is allowed to treat you badly!

Anonymous said...

I second Nikki Mann. Controlling guys are NOT cool and can get mean and violent.

Be careful!