Friday, October 26, 2007

UGH! Why me?

I was suppose to go to the game with my boyfriend, but to many people have been lying and stealing food and wearing inappropriate clothes to school and talking bad on the computer and getting bad grades(that's my one offense). So now no one is allowed to go to the game and we area ll stuck home. :( Kinda makes me mad that i can't go!!! But i am OK about it i would say its fair. Just sucks. But tomorrow my boyfriends dad opted to pay for whatever we wanted to do so maybe we will go see a movie or eat or maybe BOTH lol. Daddy's paying :D


Angel The Alien said...

At least you'll have a fun time tomorrow! Maybe if EVERYONE in your house has to face the same consequences, the others who were lying and stealing food and talking bad on the computer and stuff will try harder to do good, because they won't want YOU to be mad at them! I'm sure you're a good example to them, though, right? ;)

Amanda said...

man I hear you about the bad grades. I just had to withdraw from a math class caus I'd been spending too much time on the world series. that's not the only reason, but you know. Have fun tomorrow, though!