Tuesday, December 18, 2007


OK, I throw up after I eat junk food, or if my stomach hurts, and now my friend is trying to say I'm bulimic, and I am not!!! I find it different, I don't throw up eveytime I eat just when I eat junk food (cause I feel bad about it) and when my stomach hurts ( because throwing up makes me feel better). I just wish she would quit saying I am bulimic cause I AM NOT. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!!!!!


Anonymous said...

actually, sounds like your friend might be right. bulimia is a disease that shows up in a spectrum of different ways. some people with bulimia may feel the need to purge (throw up) after they eat anything, others only sometimes. feeling the need to purge (throw up) because you feel guilty, or depressed after eating is on the spectrum of bulimia.

Angel The Alien said...

I know of a lot of people who throw up when their stomach hurts to make themselves feel better (although I'm not one of them... I HATE throwing up and would rather suffer through a stomachache!) But making yourself throw up after you eat junk food might at least be toeing the line o bulimia! I think these days there is a LOT of pressure for people to completely avoid junk food for health and weight reasons, and its easy to feel guilty when you do eat junk food. But a LITTLE junk food never hurt anyone! All things in moderation, right? Try to think of it as a treat, instead of as breaking some sort of rule...

Mama Podkayne said...

Maybe....maybe you are allergic to a preservative in the junk food? Just a thought. If you throw up because you feel guilty about eating it, it may be an eating disorder BUT if it is just because it makes your stomach hurt it may be an allergy!

erin said...

Hey there -- I don't think you should worry about the label of "bulimic." It's more important to think about how you are feeling when you purge. I purged when I was in high school and early college, and only when I ate junk food. I kept a journal of when I binged and purged, what I had eaten, and how I felt before, during and after I did it. Seeing it all written down helped me to understand why I was doing it, which eventually helped me to stop. I agree with nicki to think of junk food as a treat, and not as breaking a rule.

I hope you are feeling better about all the stuff going on in your life now.